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Advertise with The Curly Flower

At The Curly Flower, we offer a variety of advertising options tailored to meet your brand’s needs. Beyond traditional banner ads, we provide bespoke solutions such as editorial promotions, competitions, sponsored social media posts, video production, and the hosting of live and pre-recorded talks and events.

Get in Touch

To discuss advertising opportunities, please call us at +1-484-598-4618 or email [email protected]. Our team is ready to help you find the best way to connect with our engaged audience.

Editorial Promotions and Competitions

Our sponsored editorial promotions provide brands with increased visibility and engagement. These paid-for posts are featured prominently on our home page, alongside our regular content, ensuring high exposure. Competitions hosted on our platform also appear on the home page, offering our readers a chance to win exciting prizes while simultaneously boosting brand awareness and interaction.

Social Media Opportunities

With a robust social media presence, The Curly Flower offers unparalleled access to a highly engaged audience. Our social media channels include:

  • Instagram: Over 3 million followers
  • Facebook: 25,000 followers
  • Twitter: 20,000 followers
  • Pinterest: 15,000 followers

We provide paid social media opportunities that can be standalone or combined with editorial, video, or event collaborations. These opportunities leverage our large and active follower base to amplify your brand’s message and reach a wider audience.

Video Production

The Curly Flower’s award-winning in-house video team offers comprehensive video production services. From creating one-off promotional videos about a product, building, or installation, to extensive cross-platform collaborations, we deliver high-quality video content optimized for web streaming and social media.

Our team of experienced videographers, producers, and editors ensures that every video is produced to the highest standard. With a global network of videographers, we can shoot content in nearly any location, overcoming international travel restrictions to bring your vision to life.

Talks and Events

We have a rich history of partnering with brands and organizations worldwide to host and moderate over 100 insightful and agenda-setting talks. Whether you are planning a real-world event or an online-only session, The Curly Flower can manage all aspects, including:

  • Moderation: Our experienced team can moderate your talk, ensuring a smooth and engaging experience.
  • VIP Audience: We can invite our VIP audience to attend, adding prestige and exclusivity to your event.
  • Filming and Livestreaming: Our technical team can film and livestream your event, extending its reach to a global audience.

Bespoke Advertising Solutions

In addition to the options mentioned above, we can work with you to create custom advertising packages that meet your specific needs. Whether it’s through editorial content, social media campaigns, video projects, or live events, we are dedicated to helping your brand connect with our audience in meaningful and impactful ways.

Contact Us

Ready to explore advertising with The Curly Flower? Contact us today to start a conversation about how we can support your brand’s goals. Call us at +1-484-598-4618 or email [email protected]. We look forward to partnering with you to create memorable and effective advertising experiences.

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